Compost pile #2 in Haiti

As many of you already know, I REALLY love composting. It is one of my many passions, and I get to focus on it while my stay in Haiti. I really lucked out on this opportunity thanks to Zach Wright and William Clark <3.

This compost, like the first one, was VERY hot. I tend to get overly excited on high nitrogen, maybe I am secretly pyro? I don’t know. However, I did use less hi-nitrogen compared to the first one. Below is the recipe.

60% Brown; Bagasse, Corn Stalk, and compost as an inoculant, 30% Green; grass clippings, and 10% hi-nitrogen; black bean.

I also had an opportunity to teach new friends how to build aerobic thermal compost pile! In the near future, they will teach others this wonderful science/art form and create a composting facility at a hospital here in Haiti! Yes! Winning!!!

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